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Drug Crimes


Allegations of drug offenses differ from case to case. Whether your drug crime involves possession, sale or manufacturing, or if it is being charged as a federal offense, we can help defend your case. We know how to work aggressively to protect your rights and can help minimize the possible penalties you may face.


America's war on drugs has left little room for compassion and understanding in the legal system. Our office makes it a point to establish a close relationship with clients in order to get their side of the story. We always remain understanding and professional and do everything we can to be easily accessible to our clients. Since day one we have always gone the extra mile to answer client questions, address concerns and keep clients consistently informed about the progress of their case.




Drug possession is one the of the most common drug crime charges, affecting all types of people regardless of race, class or gender. Our firm understands that these charges can miss the point, as there are frequent wrongful convictions and a lack of compassion for those who may be struggling with addiction. As with other offenses, such as violent crimes, convictions are a top priority in drug possession cases and courts prosecute frequently and aggressively. Our firm is prepared to handle such cases, and develop defense strategies focused on minimizing consequences or gaining alternative resolutions such as an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition for first time offenders.


The penalties for drug possession vary depending on the type of drug and nature of the situation surrounding the arrest. Drug possession severity is based on five distinct categories known as a schedule. Controlled substances are placed in schedules according to their potential for abuse. Schedule I controlled substances and narcotics are considered the most severe, while schedule V drugs have a low potential for abuse.

Depending on your past criminal record, the controlled substance involved, and any other charges that may be filed, consequences for possession can include fines, court-ordered classes and jail or prison terms that range from days, months and possibly years. Possession convictions may not always accurately reflect your character, but having a possession charge on your record can greatly compromise your future, as many people and employers will negatively judge or view your conviction. It is important that you contact an attorney immediately after your arrest to give your case the best possible defense. Our firm can also be useful in deflecting or handling any additional law enforcement tactics, searches and investigations.


Marijuana Cultivation


Marijuana prohibition has been a heated and much debated issue on both a state and national level. Though social acceptance continues to grow, the fact of the matter is that federal law largely prohibits the use, sale and cultivation of marijuana. In Pennsylvania, cultivation, delivery or sale of marijuana is punishable by fines and imprisonment. Under the Pennsylvania Code 18 § 7508, cultivation penalties include:


  • 2 - 10 pounds or 10 - 20 live plants: one year in prison and a fine of $5,000 or more. Any prior convictions can result in two years in prison and a fine of $10,000 or more.


  • 10 - 21 pounds or 21 - 49 live plants: three years in prison and a fine of $15,000 or more. Any prior convictions can result in four years in prison and a fine of $30,000 or more.


  • At least 50 pounds or at least 51 live plants: five years in prison and a fine of $50,000 or more.


Marijuana cultivation is no small issue in the Pennsylvania legal system. When there is evidence of transporting or distributing a harvest across state lines, federal charges may arise. Operating a grow house or growing for private consumption can be aggressively prosecuted regardless of the amounts of marijuana involved. We have handled many marijuana manufacturing and cultivation charges and have gained ample experience in defending them and reducing charges and penalties. The legal areas surrounding marijuana regulation are turbulent at best, and we can intelligently, creatively and aggressively develop strategies to give your case the best possible chance of achieving a smooth resolution.


Federal Drug Charges


Federal drug charges typically target high profile or large scale operations involved in the manufacturing, sale, trafficking and distribution of controlled substances. Penalties are determined by the offense level of the crime, which is composed of many various crimes and illegal acts, as well as the criminal history of the defendant. In any case, federal drug charges pack large fines and mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment. Trafficking controlled substances across state lines is also a serious federal charge, and there are many agencies working to arrest and convict traffickers.


If you are facing a drug trafficking charge it is highly recommended that you speak with an attorney. We will work closely with you throughout the legal process and can handle any complications or additional law enforcement activities that may arise during your case. Having an attorney can greatly reduce your risk of falling victim to law enforcement questioning and searches. We provide free case evaluations because our firm wants clients to know that speaking with an attorney as soon as possible after an arrest is a crucial component of successful cases.


Alternative Resolutions


Pennsylvania allows first time offenders convicted of certain crimes, including possession and DUI, to participate in a diversionary program known as the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition. Under the program, offenders are required to meet certain court-ordered conditions that may include drug and alcohol counseling classes, community service, restitution and other mandated requirements. Upon successful completion of the program, the original criminal charges will be dismissed and, after a 30 day period, requests for expungement of the arrest record can be filed.


The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) is an excellent opportunity for first time offenders to straighten out their lives, receive treatment and continue their futures without the stigma of a criminal conviction on their records. 

Marijuana Cultivation
Federal Drug Charges
Alternative Resolutions
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